An interview with Ilaria Dal Bò

An interview with Ilaria Dal Bò

Ilaria Dal Bò, who joined Anodica Trevigiana in February 2024, with a path of accounting and management control, tells us about her role in the financial department.

1) What work experience did you have before joining the Anodica team?

Before joining Anodica Trevigiana, I had two work experiences lasting about a year and a half each, in two companies in the metalworking industry.

During the first, I was in charge of compiling pre-invoices in a company in the steel construction field. There, I had an opportunity to develop my skills in a relatively short time, coming into contact with various stakeholders and interacting with colleagues from different departments, as well as site managers in Italy and abroad.

During my second work experience, instead, I worked for a leading lighting company, where I was in charge of accounting and managing the liability cycle. I also had the chance to learn a great deal there, reacquainting myself with notions I had studied during my university course in economics.

2) Why did you choose Anodica?

I chose Anodica because I was looking for new challenges at work and I immediately understood that this company offered me the opportunity to put myself to the test. At the interviews, I perceived the management's willingness to find a person to place in a structured context, with a clearly defined job description consisting of various stimulating tasks for professional as well as personal development.

Right from the outset, I sensed an interest in continuous improvement, not only for the company but also for its in-house staff.
All this convinced me to seize this new opportunity enthusiastically.

3) At Anodica, as part of the administrative team, you are also in charge of Management Control. What does this task involve?

Management control is primarily a role that allows and requires an all-round view of the company.

It is a dynamic activity that involves gathering, analysing and interpreting data that is then made available to those who will have to make strategic business decisions.

Management control provides the company with reliable data and helps them understand it, becoming a real aid to analysing the current situation and evaluating performance, while also facilitating forecasts and budgets for the future.

4) What kind of work environment have you experienced at Anodica?

At Anodica I have certainly found a stimulating environment and a group of people synchronised to achieve clear and shared goals. During these early months, I have noticed the management's focus on all the staff and this has helped to create a healthy work environment within the company, where cooperation between colleagues, discussion and mutual support take place on a daily basis.
At Anodica, there is a great deal of teamwork and a young, well-knit team that has customer focus at the heart of its work.
Lastly, in this period, I have also perceived the company’s keen interest in creating value while always remaining highly focused on the environment and society, an aspect that clearly sets Anodica apart.

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